October 6, 2010

Curiosport - The secret of success? Knowing how to scream

A recent academic research has shown that the cries of players play a key role in rallenatre nell'intimorire the opponent and his reaction

Have you ever wondered why some players accompany their shots with 'urletti' of various kinds? Who says that, somehow, these cries are used to compensate for fatigue and the force exerted on the right or wrong it is, is going to be denied. The urletti in question are used to scare the opponent on a subconscious level.
According to a study published in the journal PLoS ONE by the University of British Columbia, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii, the players 'emit a variety of ways' when they hit the ball, are more likely to win the point. To prove this thesis, psychologists Alan Kingstone and Scott Sinnett asked 33 students to volunteer to take part in an experiment.
Playing with a modern console, the students were able to guess the direction of the ball when the opponent hit it. The tests showed that when a player has followed the shot with the famous urletto, the response of persons called to guess the direction of the ball was much slower and the response rate decreased dramatically hit.
The universities are now trying to figure out if this theory is also applicable to the tennis player. In any case, however, will not hurt ...

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